2016 Miss Polonia
Weronika Janul

From Miss Polonia Scholarship Essay:

I think that I derseve to be Miss Polonia 2016 because I am a young polish woman who is proud of her Polish culture and ambitous to better the lives of Polish-Americans.  I had immigrated to the United States of America with my parents at the very early age of 9 months old. In hopes of establishing a more comfortable life for our family, my parents had sent me back to Poland, where my grandmother, or "Babica" as I call her, had raised me to the age of 4 years old. I returned to the States when I was ready to being school.

I remain very in touch with my Polish roots by going back home every year. As a child, I spend my entire summers in Bialystok. As a young adult, I take every opportunity to travel Poland and explore the many beautiful facets of my country. This summer I am looking forward to attending Wold Youth Day in Krakow. Miss Polonia, in my eyes, should be aware and proud of the beautiful country of Poland. This I very much am; extremely proud to call Poland my home.

My main goal in life to give back to the community I came from. I am currently a pre-medical student a Fordham University and aim to apply to Medical School next year. As a doctor I want to serve the underserved community of Polish immigrants...Miss Polonia should be a young woman who is passionate, ambitious and proud of her polish culture; and that I absolutley am.

2016 Junior Miss Polonia
Zofia Sunshine Gonzalez

All about me! Hi! My name is Zofia Sunshine Gonzalez. I’m eight years old. I was born on May 24, 2007, in Staten Island, N.Y. I attend P.S. 65. I like my school very much. I’m in third grade. My favorite subjects are Art and English Language. I enjoy drawing a lot.Other things I enjoy are playing tennis and swimming. I especially like swimming in the Dominican Republic, where my dad was born. I love music and I’m learning how to play the piano. In the future I would like to learn how to play violin. I also sing at the polish church in the children choir.Every Saturday I go to Polish School. I enjoy learning about Polish culture. After school I stay with Polish Scouts, we call “Gromada Krokusy”.Each year I go to Poland for two months. I stay there with my grandparents. I have lots of cousins in Poland. My cousins and me play together and at the same time we help the grandparents with the farm. I always have a lot of fun in Poland. Last year while I was in Poland I was attending an elementary school there for three weeks. I enjoy that experience a lot. I made lots of friends. I even got a diploma from the principal! I also met some of the teachers that used to teach my mom when she was a little girl like me.It is great to know more than one culture!Zofia S. Gonzalez

Wszystko o mnie!Nazywam się Zofia Sunshine Gonzalez. Mam osiem lat. Urodziłam się 24-go maja 2007 roku na Staten Island. Chodzę do P.S. 65. Bardzo lubię moją szkołę. Jestem w trzeciej klasie. Moje ulubione przedmioty to język angielski i plastyka.Poza szkołą lubię grać w tenisa i pływać. Uczę się też grać na pianinie, a kiedyś chciałabym nauczyć się grać na skrzypcach.W każdą sobotę do polskiej szkoly. Po szkole chodzę na zuchy. Nasza gromada nazywa sie „Krokusy“.Co roku jeżdżę do Polski, mam tam bardzo dużą rodzinę. W Polsce bardzo lubię się bawić z moimi kuzynami i pomagać dziadkom w gospodarstwie. W ubiegłym roku jak byłam w Polsce to chodziłam nawet do szkoly przez trzy tygodnie. Zapoznałam tam dużo koleżanek,a nawet poznałam nauczycieli, którzy kiedyś uczyli moją mamę.Bardzo lubię jeździć do Polski.Zofia S. Gonzalez